Terms for orientation of parts
Determination of dorsal colour patterns
Abdominal segmentation
nomenclature of ventral plates of abdomen
Aedeagal sheath
An insect is bilaterally symmetrical around its median longitudinal axis – this runs along the length of the body in the mid line from the head (anterior, cranial or cephalic) end to the tail (posterior or caudal) end.
The body can be divided into 3 sets of primary anatomical planes
· Median sagittal (vertical) plane passes through the longitudinal axis of the body
· Horizontal planes are parallel with the longitudinal axis
· Transverse planes are at right angles to the longitudinal axis.
The upper surface is dorsal, the lower ventral.
Structures lying closer to the median longitudinal plane that others are mesal (or medial) to them. Those lying further from this plane or closer to the sides of the body are lateral.
For appendages those parts that are closest to the body are proximal (or basal)
and those further away are distal (or apical).
Thus the point of attachment of an appendage is the base or basal area, and the tip or furthermost point from the attachment is the distal end or apex.
Morphology Luciolinae males
The information contained here comes primarily from Ballantyne (1987) (which is not available to access remotely) and Ballantyne & Lambkin (2009:114, 2013:127-133) on Luciolinae morphology, with modifications to represent the most recent information. Ballantyne & Lambkin (2013 Tables 12, 13) list morphological features of species with trisinuate ventrite 7 in males. Refer to Ballantyne et al. 2019 for references to all genera mentioned here.
Head covered or uncovered by the pronotum and how to tell?
It is now inappropriate to consider that in the Luciolinae the head is ‘covered’ by the pronotum. Males either have most of the ventral head area occupied by the eyes, or the head is very mobile. In flight males tend to extend their heads beyond the pronotum which probably does not act in any way to concentrate their vision downwards.
Olivier (1907) used the character of head covered to refer to those fireflies with hypomera of the pronotum open in front and head thus concealed beneath the explanate anterior pronotal margin. The Luciolinae did not fall into this category. Olliff (1889) distinguished a new Luciolinae genus Atyphella with head completely hidden beneath the pronotum, (where in reality it is retracted within the prothoracic cavity), and his confusion was indicated as he placed Atyphella in the Lampyrinae. In Photuris trivittata (Lloyd & Ballantyne, 2003) the hypomeron is open and the head concealed under the broadly explanate anterior margin of the pronotum but the head cannot be retracted into a prothoracic cavity which barely exists in this species. In Atyphella, certain species, including the type lychnus Olliff, have the head concealed both beneath the pronotum and within the prothoracic cavity, but this is as much a reflection here of the head size (that of lychnus is quite small) as it is of the shape of the pronotum (Ballantyne & Lambkin, 2000). Many Luciolinae, especially Australian species, have the head at least partially concealed in this manner, and the degree of head concealment may be difficult to quantify. Ballantyne & Lambkin (2000, 2001, 2006) used characters of hypomeron open or closed, and how far the head may be retracted into the prothoracic cavity (and thus often, but not always, covered by the pronotum from above). Head concealment in the Luciolinae, where the hypomeron is closed, can be explored in several ways though none is as clear cut as for those fireflies which have the hypomeron open. The width of the head relative to the width of the prothoracic cavity indicates that the head might fit into this cavity, and whether the head can be retracted into this cavity and if so, how far, can be considered. This is sometimes quite difficult when the head is protruded and not in its resting condition. In most Pygoluciola spp. while the head is retracted into the prothoracic cavity the anterior pronotal margin does not protrude in front of the anterolateral corners and the head may thus be visible from above in both males and also females (extracted with some modification from Ballantyne (2008).
See Ballantyne & Lambkin (2013:127) for further discussion.
The main portions of the head form a structure a little like a motor cycle helmet, a rigid capsule which is open behind (where it links the head with the thorax - turn this around and this is the face part of your helmet), and an open area beneath, where we find the mouthparts. The head is a composite structure consisting of many parts which have fused together so completely that only a few of the original areas can now be identified. We can regard the head as composed of an ancestral anterior portion (the acron or prostomium) and 6 trunk segments, but we are unable to see any subdivisions into segmentation, and the original segmented nature of the head is only seen when we examine the three sets of original legs of segments 4-6, which are now modified to give the mouthparts of the insect.
The most obvious feature of the head is a pair of compound eyes. Between the eyes are 3 ocelli and a pair of antennae. The labrum is like a top lip and it hangs down from the lower margin of the front of the head capsule forming a flap over the mouth and mouthparts. The ventral surface of the head is a largely membranous floor behind the mouth. From this floor we can see the hypopharynx (a kind of tongue) which bears the opening of the salivary duct. On each side of this floor and thus visible from the sides of the head are three pairs of appendages which form the mouthparts – the mandibles, the maxillae and the labium.
The Luciolinae head is characterised by the great development of the eyes, which are often huge and occupy most of the head area, and corresponding reduction of the rest of the head structure. There are no dorsal sutures marking divisions into sclerites, ocelli are absent and all of the ‘top’ of the head is the vertex, which may be quite concave or nearly flat. Th area below the vertex and at the front of the head between the eyes is the frons (the face) but there may be no clear way of defining where the vertex ends and the frons begins. The antennae are inserted at the extreme anterior point just above and to the sides of the labrum. The labrum may be small and semicircular or transverse; it is a flexible structure in all the Luciolinae except for Missimia, a rare New Guinean genus. The head is wider than long in Pteroptyx, Colophotia, Pyrophanes, Medeopteryx, Australoluciola and Trisinuata, and the eyes are not very close ventrally. The head of Atyphella and many Asian Luciola is about as wide as long. The eyes of many species of Atyphella, Luciola hypocrita and Pygoluciola cowleyi are very close ventrally (almost contiguous), and in the latter two the posterolateral areas of the eyes are excised. While the precise function of this is unknown it may be a compensatory mechanism to allow some strength in a head capsule that is otherwise so extensively occupied by the huge eyes. There is no area that is clearly defined as the frons and generally the area just above the labrum and between the antennae is called the frons. In Atyphella a narrow frontal area of the head just above the labrum and between the eyes may be parallel with the anterior eye surfaces. The top of the head between the eyes (vertex) is usually quite concave, and when a distinct demarcation between these two areas exists it is either carinate, = ridge-like (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 84, 85) or rounded. If the frontal area slopes gently into the vertex there is no clear demarcation between the two.
The labrum is the top lip and it hangs down from the lower margin of the front of the head forming a flap over the mouth and mouthparts. Luciolinae examined have a well–defined labrum, no frontoclypeal suture or ridge, no external clypeus, and any anterior membranous projection is the epipharynx (wider interpretation by Ballantyne). The labrum can be wider than long, or about as wide as long and often semicircular in outline.
Interpretations of the labrum have changed. McDermott (1964:11) distinguished the Photurinae and the Lampyrinae by the nature of the clypeus and labrum. McDermott designated the membranous area visible in front of the labrum as the labrum itself (it is the epipharynx and can be seen in Colophotia species). Lawrence (pers. comm. and based on two specimens sent by Ballantyne) interprets the anterior strongly sclerotised plate on the head of Photuris trivittata as the labrum, the extent of the clypeus is reduced, “it seems as if there is a clypeolabral suture, at least slightly impressed, which is curved and lines the base of the labrum entirely. The frontoclypeal suture is an internal ridge, which coincides with the clypeolabral suture mesally, but not laterally” (Lawrence verbatim quote). The anterior membranous area (seen sometimes in Colophotia) is the epipharynx and not a membranous labrum. Extracted with slight modification from Ballantyne and Lambkin (2009:111).
Antennae are usually 11 segmented (we either regard the antennae as comprised of scape, pedicel and flagellum) or the subdivided flagellum 'segments' individually named as I do here and they are filiform. Length of antennae is most easily measured by comparing their length with another structure which is close by, in this case the greatest head width (GHW). They may be equal in length to the greatest head width (GHW) or up to twice GHW, rarely longer. In Pacific Luciola and some Atyphella the antennae are quite short (subequal in length to GHW) and the flagellar 'segments' are about as long as wide. The scape is usually the longest segment followed by the first flagellar segment (FS1); other flagellar segments might decrease in length and width a little towards the antennal apex; FS 9 is often longer than the preceding ones; the FS can be much longer than wide in very long antennae like in Pygoluciola. Where there are modifications to flagellar segments they appear to be specific differences rather than generic ones. Some Colophotia species have FS 7-9 shortened with FS9 acute apically. Some Pteroptyx, like P. macdermotti, have lateral swellings on some FS which may house sense organs.
Firefly mouthparts consist of Mandibles, 1 pair; Maxillae, 1 pair and a Labium (a composite structure which is equivalent to the pair of maxillae fused).
Mandibles. Paired appendages of head segment 4; have lost the leg like part and what is left represents only the base of the original leg like appendage; most Coleoptera have mandibles adapted for chewing. Firefly mandibles are long and slender and apically pointed and perforated along their length by a fine canal. If the adult feeds then digestive juices are conducted along this canal and pour into the prey which is then immobilised.
Maxillae. Lie behind the mandibles; are the paired appendages of head segment 5; the original leg like part is still recognisable and called the maxillary palp. Areas of the maxillae are: Cardo, Stipes, Galea, Lacinia and Palp.
Labium. The paired appendages of head segment 6. Forms a lower lip to the mouthpart complex and is a single structure formed from the fusion of a pair of (second) maxillae.
The labium consists of a postlabium or basal portion (frequently divided into a basal submentum and apical mentum. The prelabium is the apical position which contains various lobes and processes. The central portion is the prementum, carrying apical lobes the glossae and paraglossae.
Mouthparts are usually well developed, although it is not known if adults feed. Some mouthpart complexes are so small that non feeding by the adult can be inferred. Mandibles are articulated so they work across each other in a horizontal plane and articulate with a ventral condyle below the lateral margin of the labrum, and a dorsal ginglymus immediately under the lateral margin of the labrum (the condyle and ginglymus are like a ball and socket joint and only permit movement in one plane). They cross each other at rest, are strongly cuticularised with a convex outer margin, and pierced along their length by a fine canal which has its opening just proximal to the mandible tip on its outer margin.
The maxillae have a 4 segmented palpi with the apical segment, which is simple in outline, being the longest and widest. It is possible to determine the extent of the cardo and stipes (the latter being the larger of the two). All areas are clothed with a profusion of hairs which makes interpretation difficult. The galea and lacinia are imperfectly divided into 2 parts.
The labial palpi are 3 segmented. The apical segment of the labial palpi is entire (i.e. not apically emarginate or bifurcate) in all Pteroptyx, Pyrophanes and Colophotia. They are elongate and slender in Pteroptyx, and Colophotia, and short, blunt, and about as wide as long in Pyrophanes. The inner margins are entire in these genera. The apical segments of the labial palpi may be laterally flattened, in the shape of a triangle, with their inner margin dentate in Pygatyphella, Pygoluciola and many SE Asian species. Dentition often varies from right to left palp in the one individual.
Prothorax. The prothorax consists of a large dorsal sclerite, the pronotum, which extends ventrally to form a hypomeron attached directly to the median sternum and separated from it by a notosternal suture. The sternum extends in front of and to the coxae. Degree of flattening of the lateral areas of the prothorax viewed from both above and below are useful characters especially in Pygatyphella and Atyphella.
The pronotum is usually wider than long, with the lateral pronotal margins explanate and sometimes flattened (often with both surfaces closely adpressed) (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 74, 78, 84) and the anterolateral corners broadly rounded in Atyphella, Pygatyphella, and Asymmetricata, where the pronotum is usually considerably wider across the posterior one-third than the anterior one-third (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 12, 64, 74, 78, 84, 128, 129). See above about head concealment.
Pteroptyx, Colophotia, Pyrophanes, Australoluciola, Medeopteryx and Trisinuata have a pronotum not much wider than long, the lateral margins are not expanded and only narrowly flattened ((Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 492, 501; 2013 Figs 12, 19, 24, 45 for example) and the pronotum is often about as wide across both anterior and posterior one-third. Lateral margins are often subparallel sided. In Pteroptyx, and Australoluciola, Medeopteryx and Trisinuata, and probably all Colophotia and Pyrophanes also, the eyes are not contiguous ventrally and the head is wider than long. Increased mobility of the head may arise as a result of the smaller size and different shaped of the pronotum, and greater visual acuity result. A correlation exists between the shape of the protergum of the larva and the adult pronotal outline.
The median dorsal area of the pronotum above the eyes, the "disc", is usually smoothly and gently convex. It is always densely punctate, and the spacing of the punctures may vary in different areas of the dorsal surface. The hypomeron may be quite wide (in Atyphella, Asymmetricata and Pygatyphella) and the upper and lower surfaces closely adpressed, or narrow with these margins approaching but not close. The hypomeron is defined here as the ‘deflexed portion of the notum (of the prothorax) which is attached directly to the sternum and separated from it by a notosternal suture’ (Lawrence & Britton, 1991). Jeng (pers. comm.) considers the hypomeron defined in this manner is not always easy to determine and suggests that in such cases determination of whether the hypomeron is closed anteriorly will be difficult.
The meso and metathorax are immovably fused to form the pterothorax bearing the elytra and hind wings. The mesothorax is reduced in comparison to the metathorax as the fore wings are not used for flight. The dorsal surface of each is divided into an anterior prescutum, a median scutellum and a scutum which is divided laterally. The mesoscutellum (referred to as the scutellum) is the only portion of the dorsal surface that concerns us here as it is the only part of these sclerites that is visible when the wings are closed. The ventral surface of each of these segments is composed of a median sternum, with the lateral elements, the pleura, subdivided into an anterior episternum and posterior epimeron separated by a pleural suture. Usually these elements figure in our descriptions only by their colour.
Wings. All known males are fully winged although only the hind wings actually take part in flight. The elytra are the modified mesothoracic wings and in fireflies are soft and fairly flexible. From above the anterolateral area that is rounded is the humerus. There is usually a distinct sutural ridge and the epipleuron is well defined and may be slightly explanate in some Colophotia. The pronotum may be distinctly wider than or narrower than the elytra (because the elytra are soft and subject to distortion comparisons of width are made across the outside edges of the elytral humeri rather than the margins of the elytra). Many Pteroptyx males have elytra obliquely truncate in dorsal view, due presumably to the development of the deflexed apex. Additional specimens of Pteroptyx minor confirm the existence of a species in which the elytral apices are barely deflexed (Ballantyne, 1987, p. 134, Fig. 6, e, f). Their appearance in this species suggests that their origin could be, at least in part, from an anterior prolongation and/or swelling of the elytral epipleuron. In Pteroptyx maipo a depressed area on the outer preapical margin may be of significance in the development at eclosion of the depressed elytral apices in the male (Ballantyne et al. 2011:28 figs 77, 78). Lloyd (1979) suggested their function could be "shades behind which males hide their light from opponents". Lloyd and Wing (1981) remarked on the supposed similarity of the "notched hind margin" of ventrite 7 in P. valida, to the shapes of the deflexed elytral apices. There is no consistent association between these shapes. Lloyd and Wing (1981) and Wing et al. (1983) determined the function of the deflexed elytral apices "to clamp the female during mating in Pteroptyx valida and probably other species". The lower jaw of the clamp is the flattened dorsal surface of the terminal abdominal ventrite of the male, and "this heavily sclerotized ridge (area) presses upward on the venter of the female's abdomen during copulation. The opposing (upper) jaw of the clamp is the male's strongly deflexed elytral tips" (Wing et al., 1983). Wing's Figure 2 shows the female abdomen wedged between the two, with the deflexed elytral apices posterior to the median posterior projection of ventrite 7. Grooves in the deflexed elytral apices of P. valida correspond to the sides of the female abdomen. A copulation clamp has also been demonstrated in P. maipo (Ballantyne et al. 2011:31 Figs 85-92).
The elytra of Atyphella aphrogeneia from New Guinea are swollen along the apical area of both suture and epipleuron and around the apex. This feature is unknown in other Luciolinae and may be an adaptation for a species known to inhabit a precarious position on coral reefs. The elytra are narrower at their apices than in other Atyphella and are not contiguous along the sutural margin in the apical half. Whether there is any function similar to that of a copulation clamp here is unknown (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 118, 119).
The elytra are usually contiguous along the sutural margin for most of their length. A maximum of 4 interstitial lines is present on each elytron. Well defined lines are elevated, largely apunctate and delimited laterally by punctures. Evanescent lines are scarcely if at all elevated and are often obliterated anteriorly and posteriorly, although fine interstitial lines are sometimes laterally delimited by punctures. Degree of development of these interstitial lines is done by comparing their elevation with that of the sutural ridge.
Almost all Pteroptyx species having pale elytra have darkened deflexed apices, where the dark area is often scarcely visible if the specimen is viewed from above. While no measurements have been devised as yet to measure the relative strength of various elytral areas, it may be, as suggested by Ballantyne (1968) for species of Pygatyphella, that "areas of the elytron darkened by either melanin or sclerotin or a combination of both contribute towards its rigidity..." and that the darkened deflexed apex is less flexible and therefore more efficient in a clamp situation.
Within Pygatyphella the most common colour pattern resembles bird droppings and probably conceals the resting firefly from detection. This pattern could also confuse the body outline to a predator. Observation under microscope illumination of this particular pattern enhances the distribution of the fat body, the semitransparency of the elytra and the outline of the body beneath, but whether this is a pattern visible to predators is difficult to assess. Does the existence in collections of large numbers of specimens with this pattern attest to its success? Patterns of mimicry almost always involve orange pronota and very dark elytra, which may be pale margined (sometimes around all margins including across the base). On the island of New Guinea species with the orange pronotum and black elytral pattern include Lloydiella spp. and A. guerini, many Australoluciola and almost all of the Medeopteryx species (Ballantyne 1987; 1993). Most Pacifica, Convexa and Magnalata species of the Solomon Islands have one of two colour patterns–orange pronotum and black elytra in Pacifica salomonis, or dark elytra with paler margins in Convexa wolfi, several Pacifica and M. limbata. Again microscopic examination clouds the issue – the ventral surface of the epipleuron in some Pacifica salomonis specimens may be paler than the dorsal surface and the lateral margin thus appears slightly paler to the microscopist, but how does it appear to a predator?
Within SE Asia a large number of species of Pteroptyx and especially Abscondita have a dorsal colour pattern of yellow to light brown often with elytral apices black. Whether this is a pattern of mimicry or of cryptic colouration remains to be determined. This similarity of colour pattern has however given rise to many of the problems we will face in trying to identify the many similarly coloured species.
Method of preservation can affect correct colour determination as can the transparency of the cuticle especially of the pronotum. Ethanol preserved specimens have the elytra especially more transparent than usual and the underlying hind wing can obscure the true colour. Pulling the elytron to one side and allowing it to dry usually solves this problem.
Legs are for walking and increase in length from front to rear. Some modifications suggest a grasping function for certain species but no observations exist to support this suggestion. Legs consist of coxa, small trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus bearing two claws at its apex. Each claw has a basal tooth but the claws themselves are entire and the fourth tarsomere is bilobed. The fore and middle coxae are fairly mobile, transverse and set apart at the bases but approaching and touching each other at their apices in the median line. The hind coxae are less mobile, transverse and contiguous in the median line.
Certain modifications occurring in males but not females are thought to be of sexual significance but no observations confirm this. A series of rigid hook-like teeth or stout bristles at the anterior apical angle of each hind femur is the "metafemoral comb" and occurs in oriental Pteroptyx and Pyrophanes, although often in a less than complete form . Its partial absence in these genera is attributed to age of specimen, or poor handling. Its function is unknown.
Other modifications to legs include: the curved tibiae of all legs of Pygoluciola guigliae (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2006); swollen hind femora and curved tibiae 3 of some Pyrophanes; the swollen apices of tibiae 3 in Pteroptyx malaccae; and a swollen basitarsus 3 in some P. malaccae. A combination of these characters e.g. swollen femora 3, curved tibia 3 and the metafemoral comb occurs in some Pyrophanes. Some Pteroptyx have the basal tarsomere (basitarsus) of legs 2 gently excavated along its inner margin but the function is unknown (see Ballantyne 2001 for figures of Pteroptyx).
Certain of these modifications suggest a grasping function for at least legs 3, although Case (1980) did not observe any in Pteroptyx tener (which has the metafemoral comb but lacks any other obvious modifications to legs 3). He noted that when the male first mounted the female's back he "maintains his perch with only his first two pair of legs". He suggested a function for the legs allied to Lloyd's (1964) observations on Pyractomena dispersa, where the mounted male "tapped the abdominal tergites of an apparently unresponsive female with his parameres...." before attempting copulation. (Lloyd's parameres are lateral lobes of the aedeagus proper, Lloyd, pers. comm.).
Lloyd suggested the metafemoral comb could be used to kick aside the female elytra so that the copulation clamp could be applied more easily (Lloyd, 1979a). The teeth of the comb, on the anterior face of the femora 3 at their apicoventral angle, curve in such a way that a small trough exists above the teeth.
The abdomen always has a different structure to that of the thorax as they have different functions. The thorax houses the muscles that allow the insect to fly and walk, and generally it has to be a sturdy capsule as these muscles attach on to its internal surface (see diagrams 1, 2 below).
Within the Order Coleoptera, of which the family Lampyridae is a part, there is a tendency for abdominal segments to be lost or fused at the base of the abdomen. In the Luciolinae fireflies there is usually no loss of tergites (the dorsal plates) but there is a loss of ventral plates, and it becomes important to distinguish between "actual" and "visible" segments when looking at the ventral abdomen as it is easy to get confused. The homologies of the abdominal segments in Elateroid beetles can be checked with reference to the spiracles (segment 8 is the last one bearing them).
There are papers about fireflies may refer to actual segments versus visible segments. It is more of a problem in the Luciolinae. For example if you are just trying to count segments in the ventral abdomen of an intact specimen from the base then you would say the visible segments were 1 - 6. But if we match tergite and sternite (see diagram 6 below) then visible sternite 6 becomes actual segment 7 (and the sternite of that segment).
The abdomen always has a different structure to that of the thorax as they have different functions. The thorax (diagrams 1, 2 below) houses the muscles that allow the insect to fly, and generally is has to be a much sturdier capsule, as these muscles attach on its internal surface. The abdomen (diagram 3) has to be capable of expansion as it will house the main part of the alimentary canal, as well as the reproductive organs. There is often much more obvious intersegmental membrane (between the segments) and the plates are softer. There is another feature characteristic of the Luciolinae, that the lateral margins of the ventral plates reflex (turn up), onto the dorsal surface where you can see them at the sides of the tergites (diagrams 3, 5). Now since the spiracles are in these plates (so we can also differentiate the Luciolinae by abdominal spiracles dorsal) we say that these plates must belong to the pleuron. There is no dividing line or membrane between these plates and the ventral plates, so it is not possible for us to say this part is the sternum and this is where the pleuron starts. So instead that is why many of us refer to the ventral plates as ventrites (= sternite + at least part of the pleuron).
Being able to count these dorsal spiracles allows you to determine just what segment is what. The general condition is 10 abdominal segments with eight visible and the others (segments 9 and 10) being retracted within the abdomen. So where is the spiracle for segment 7? If you look at the dorsal surface of the abdomen and ventrite 7 (the last segment to have a light organ) you will find the lateral margins of this segment are reflexed and it is here that you see the spiracles. They do not clearly overlap the sides of tergite 7 and this may be because of the attachment of all the muscles in this area that have to manipulate the aedeagus, but that is just surmise on my part. Look at the lateral view of the abdomen (diagram 6). You can match the dorsal plates with the ventral plates except for tergite 1 and of course tergite 8.
In diagram 4 (see below) the most basal plate is actually a pair of plates situated towards the edge of the segment, and these are the plates of sternite/ventrite 2. Sometimes I can actually find the same thing happening anterior to these, often quite small plates which I would attribute to segment 1 of the abdomen. It is characteristic of the Luciolinae that the lateral margins of the sternites are reflexed (turned up) so they are visible at the sides of the tergites. As these areas also contain the spiracles it is possible to use the number of spiracles to determine what segment is what. On specimens of Luciola australis (F.) [now Australoluciola australis] Crowson indicated there were only 6 visible abdominal sternites belonging to segments 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, and that the light organ was found on morphological segments 6 and 7. All male Luciolinae examined have 6 visible abdominal sternites with the light organs on actual sternites 6 and 7. Remnants of sternite 1 occur in some species as small lateral cuticularised plaques in an otherwise membranous area at the base of the abdomen.
In the Luciolinae sternite 2 is visible, the light organ occupies sternites 6 and 7, tergite 8 is visible, but in the males sternite 8 we think is membranous and withdrawn within the abdomen ( the apparent absence of sternite 8 is a uniquely Luciolinae feature). In female Luciolinae sternite (ventrite) 8 is visible.
What do we call the ventral plates of the abdomen?
And how do we number them?
The ventral abdominal plates are reflexed (turned up) onto the dorsal surface of the abdomen in the Luciolinae and the spiracles are found in these reflexed areas. The ventral plates of the abdomen are called ventrites and are numbered by their actual not visible number.
In the male the terminal segments of the abdomen are actual sternites 6 and 7, and actual tergites 7 and 8. No one is quite sure where sternite 8 has gone. It may just be membranous. The light organs are in actual sternites/ventrites 6 and 7. The female has not lost any ventral segments and her single light organ is in actual sternite/ventrite 6, followed by two more sternites/ventrites of segments 7 and 8.
Not all lampyrid workers follow this method of numbering.
Branham and Archangelsky (2000) preferred use of the term ventrite to refer to the ventral plate of the abdominal segments. They considered the median area was the sternite, with the lateral area comprising part of the pleurite which is dorsally reflexed and may contain the spiracles. Branham and Archangelsky also numbered the ventrites according to their visible, not actual number. Thus ventrite 1 (the first visible abdominal sternite in the Luciolinae) is the ventral plate of the actual second abdominal segment. Lawrence (pers. comm.) revaluated the terminology at Ballantyne’s request and uses the term ventrite equivalent to visible sternite, but does not consider lateral sclerites to be pleurites. In Ballantyne and Menayah (2002), larval plates are interpreted according to Lawrence. The lateral spiracle bearing plates in the thorax are laterotergites (the true pleural elements being two small sclerites attached to the coxa), and in the abdomen the pleural region is the membranous connection between the spiracle bearing laterotergites and the sternites. In most Lampyridae adults the spiracles have moved onto the sternites, which in the Luciolinae are reflexed dorsally.
While the Luciolinae have lost both sternites 1 and 8, there is no loss of tergites. Numbering the sternites/ventrites to refer to actual segments (which can be confirmed by reference to the tergites and their spiracles, there being no reduction at the anterior end of the abdomen in tergite number) is in wide use (McDermott & Buck, 1959; Green, 1956; Ballantyne, 2001, 2008; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2001, 2006; Ballantyne & Menayah, 2002; Lloyd & Ballantyne 2003; Fu & Ballantyne, 2006, 2008, Thancharoen et al. 2007). Thus in any one segment tergite and ventrite/sternite correspond in numbering. (From Ballantyne and Lambkin 2009).
So now to the mystery of sternite/ventrite 8. We don't know for sure what has happened to it as there haven't been any embryological studies done to address it. But it is very likely it just fused with the segment in front of it (ie sternite 8 fused with sternite 7) rather than being completely lost. What we see as the last light organ segment in the ventral abdomen of Luciolinae is probably two segments but we cannot see any dividing lines.
Why sternite/ventrite? We would expect to see these components of any segment in the thorax or abdomen - tergum/tergite (dorsal plate), pleuron/pleurite (side or lateral plates which bear the spiracles), and sternum/sternite the ventral plate. These plates are often subdivided, the subdivisions having -ite at the end. So a full sternum might be subdivided into sternites and so on. In the abdomen these subdivisions are not apparent so to be on the safe side these plates are called by the diminutive -ite.
And segments 9 and 10? There is some argument as to whether there are 9 or 10 segments in the beetle abdomen. These segments enfold the aedeagus, so they have at least a sternite and a tergite (I can sometimes see two divisions in the tergite) but not in the sternite. This is what I call the aedeagal sheath.
At the end of the abdomen, in the Luciolinae we consider that the terminal dorsal plate (the tergite) is the tergite of segment 8; now look at the ventral (under) surface and see if you can count the ventral plates (the stemites). Difficult isn't it? We say the terminal sternite (ventrite) is actually that of segment 7 not 8; that is the last segment of the abdomen you see from below, the one containing a light organ, is the sternite of segment 7. What happened to sternite 8? Well we don't know but it is very probable it fused with the segment in front of it. And this feature is a very important character telling us that this firefly belongs to the subfamily Luciolinae. Check out the figures below.
But if beetles have 10 segments to the abdomen where are the others? Retracted (pulled) inside the abdomen where you can still find them and they will have dorsal plates, the tergites, and ventral plates the sternites. Sometimes you can see two subdivisions of the tergites but I have never seen any further subdivision of the sternites. And between them lies the aedeagus.
This is what I call the aedeagal sheath but you can just refer to it as segments 9 and 10 of the abdomen.
The aedeagal sheath enfolds the aedeagus at rest. It is the reduced sternite and tergite of segment 9, which is retracted within the body and housed in Luciolini males between ventrite 7 and tergite 8. Lawrence (1987, p. 21) considers it to be derived from sternite 9, and tergites 9 and 10. Crowson, who "cannot think of any other example in Coleoptera of the complete loss of sternite 8" (pers. comm. in Ballantyne 1987a, p. 165), thinks it is composed of elements of abdominal segment 9, while Lawrence (pers. comm.) considers that in Pteroptyx, and at least some Luciola elements of segments 9 and 10 are involved.
The sheath shows a structural variation which is presently correlated with taxonomic position (see later) rather than behaviour.
Ballantyne (1987) described some of the musculature involved in manipulating both the aedeagus and the sheath in Pygat. huonensis.
The aedeagal sheath has not been used as a taxonomic character before Ballantyne (1987a, 1987b), probably because previous methods of extraction of the aedeagus often destroyed the sheath.
When you examine an aedeagal sheath remember it has only two sets of plates, a ventral plate which is the sternite and a smaller area, which sometimes appears to be subdivided into two, which is the tergite. The tergite in many cases has lateral slender arms which reach anteriorly and join onto the sides of the sternite – these are referred to as lateral tergite articulations in the descriptions.
The aedeagus is a fairly simple trilobed structure.
Ballantyne continues to follow both the interpretations and the terminology of Lawrence & Ślipiński (2013) for male genitalia: the male copulatory organ, the aedeagus, consists of four parts 1. The basal piece (phallobase); 2. Paired lateral lobes (parameres); 3. Median lobe (penis); 4. Endophallus (internal sac). The external opening of the endophallus is referred to as the ejaculatory orifice in diagrams. You will find other terms being applied to the parts of the aedeagus. The lateral lobes lie on either side of the median lobe and are moveable in life by muscles that insert at least partly within the basal piece.
Crowson's (1972) key to subfamilies of Luciolinae uses "basal piece of aedeagus strongly asymmetrical" and "Parameres (= lateral lobes) long, outwardly hooked at apex." If the ejaculatory orifice is uppermost, the membranous basal piece is at most slightly asymmetrical. The apices of the lateral lobes of the aedeagus of Pygat. obsoleta for example are out-turned, and apparently hooklike, however they do not conform to Crowson's figure.
Ballantyne (1987 page 183) investigated some aspects of the musculature of the aedeagus and sheath in Pygatyphella huonensis.
The key to genera (Ballantyne et al. 2019) distinguishes two basic groups within the Luciolinae by whether the lateral lobes are visible at the sides of the median lobe when viewed from either above or below; this group includes 19 of the genera presently recognised within the Luciolinae from the Asian and Indo pacific area. See Ballantyne & Lambkin (2009) for illustrations of aedeagal patterns.
Sections on methods of dissection for male and female genitalia and reproductive systems are being prepared .
Ventrite 7
Light organs
LO bipartite
LO anterior emargination
LO posterior emargination
Loss of LO
Dorsal face
Tergite 8
Functional interpretations
Ventrite 7 modifications
Ventrite 7 shows modifications of great importance in taxonomy. This section is expanded from Ballantyne 1987, Ballantyne 1993 and Ballantyne & Lambkin 2013. Ballantyne and Lambkin (2013) Tables 12, 13 overviewed abdominal characteristics of species with a trisinuate ventrite 7 in males and is accessible on this website.
Median posterior projection of ventrite 7 - MPP
The median part of the posterior margin of ventrite 7 may be prolonged posteriorly in Atyphella (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83), scarcely prolonged and emarginate in Pyrophanes, and Pteroptyx; considerably prolonged, emarginate, and terminating in paired dorsally curving hooks, seen in the least developed form in Colophotia brevis, Australoluciola nigra and Aus. flavicollis, and in its most extreme development in certain Colophotia (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83; Ballantyne et al. 2019 figs 211, 212, 215, 216, 217); a slender elongate prolongation in which there is no pronounced dorsal curvature of the apex, in Pygatyphella (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83) or a similar prolongation which curves dorsally at its apex, engulfing tergite 8, in certain Pygoluciola (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83).
McDermott (1964) described Luciola hamulata (assigned to Pygoluciola by Ballantyne, 1968) with extended hooks on the last abdominal ventrite. The ventrite 7 prolongation of this species is not apically emarginate and curves dorsally (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83). The similar projection of Pygoluciola wittmeri is however widely bifurcate, and ensheathes laterally the prolonged and downturned apex of tergite 8 (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2006 figures on page 26). McDermott also observed that the prolongations of the midposterior margin of ventrite 7 of Luciola ovalis, L. humilis and L. hamulata [the generic names of these species have changed and they are now respectively Asymmetricata, Australoluciola and Pygoluciola] "are strongly suggestive of the cleft last ventral segment and appended hooks found in Colophotia" and "undoubtedly part of the male genitalia." They are developments of ventrite 7 only, not of the aedeagus proper. Only the median projection of ventrite 7 of L. humilis (now Aus. nigra) (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83) is apically gently emarginate, terminating in small dorsally inclined hooks. The similar projection of L. ovalis (now Asymmetricata ovalis) is apically entire (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83).
Posterolateral corners of ventrite 7 - PLP
The posterolateral corners or projections of ventrite 7 are usually referred to in Ballantyne’s descriptions in an abbreviated form as PLP; they are completely absent, or scarcely developed, apically rounded, and not at all prolonged in Atyphella, Missimia, Pygoluciola, some Pteroptyx and some Australoluciola (e.g. Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83); moderately developed as rounded projections in Pyrophanes, some Pteroptyx (e.g. Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83); most extremely developed in some Colophotia (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 98-100; Ballantyne et al. 2019 figs 211-215), Pteroptyx macdermotti (Ballantyne, 2001; Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 97-99, 101, 102) and certain Pteroptyx (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83; Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 12, 17-20, 31, 32, 41, 42, 44, 45, 63, 83, 84).
In Pteroptyxs. str. the bipartite light organ of ventrite 7 occurs in those species in which the posterolateral projections of ventrite 7 are prolonged (with the exceptions of P. valida, P. maipo and P. tener; Ballantyne 2001; Ballantyne et al. 2011; see figures in Jusoh et al. 2018). In Medeopteryx spp. where the light organ is undivided in ventrite 7, the posterolateral projections do not extend beyond the apex of the median posterior projection (see Ballantyne & McLean 1970, Ballantyne 1987; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 figs 96, 97). In Pteroptyx spp. which have a bipartite light organ in ventrite 7 there is variation in the development of these processes e.g. they may be produced posteriorly, often narrowed, and separated by concave emarginations from the median posterior projection as in Pteroptyx malaccae (Ballantyne 2001 Figs 19-24; Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 120, 121, 124, 125); angulate but not produced posteriorly and not separated from the median posterior projection by any emargination as in Pteroptyx tener (Ballantyne & Menayah 2000 Fig. 1; Jusoh et al. figs162, 163); rounded, scarcely produced posteriorly, with scarce emarginations in P. valida (Ballantyne 2001 Fig. 43; Jusoh et al. figs 205-208). Their most extreme development, in any bent winged firefly, occurs in Pteroptyx macdermotti, where the bipartite light organ is considerably reduced (Ballantyne 2001 Fig. 37; Jusoh et al 2018 figs 97, 101).
The bipartite light organ in Pteroptyx, Medeopteryx and Trisinuata results at least in part from muscle attachment in the median area of the dorsal face of ventrite 7.
Other modifications of ventrite 7
In most Pygatyphella at least the posterior third of ventrite 7 is expanded and sometimes inclined dorsally. This is most pronounced in Pygatyphella undulata where there is no posterior median projection of ventrite 7 as such (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83). Muscles are visible through the cuticle in this area in dried pinned specimens of most Pygatyphella (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83). They meet in the median line and contract in a fan like arrangement to attach laterally to the underside of tergite 7 which like tergite 8 in this genus is heavily sclerotised.
Certain Pteroptyx have a "dimple" (a depression) developed on the ventral face of ventrite 7 (Ballantyne & McLean 1970 Fig. 7; Ballantyne 1987 Fig. 2i) anterior to the arched area of the surface of the median posterior projection, the "hump". This may be a consequence of the torsion of the longitudinal muscles attaching anterior to the projection (I was without inspiration the day I named these parts!!).
Only in Pyrophanes Pteroptyx macdermotti and Pteroptyx gombakia is there development of slender incurving lobes arising from the midposterior margin of ventrite 7 (Ballantyne 2001 Fig 37; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 106, 107; Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 92-94, 98, 101, 102), between the median posterior projection and the posterolateral corners. They are not hairy lobes in gombakia.
There is a median carina in ventrite 7 of some Colophotia investigated by Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 10, 79, 83. McDermott (1962) considered it a "triangular plate projecting through the slot". There is no slot in the region of the carina; the light organ of ventrite 7 is bipartite and the area around the carina may be a little depressed and thus appear "slot-like". McDermott considered his figure 23b of the lateral aspect of the end of the abdomen showed the "projecting aedeagus" and the "triangular plate". The latter is the median carina. The aedeagus is not visible in this unlabelled figure and McDermott's reference is either to the bifurcate median projection of ventrite 7, with its well developed and dorsally curving hooks, or to the posterolateral projections of that ventrite.
McDermott (1964) described the "trilobed" structure of Pyrophanes abdomen. He was referring to the abdomen of Pteroptyx macdermotti (named subsequently by McLean in Ballantyne and McLean, 1970) which he is known to have examined at this time, and which shows similarities with Pyrophanes (McDermott, pers. comm.). His comment on the trilobed nature of ventrite 7 is more appropriately applied to Pteroptyx.
Extent of light organ
Light organs are beneath the transparent cuticle of ventrites 6 and 7 and visible through them as cream or white areas. The term "light organ" is applied to the entire pale area in either ventrite 6 or 7. The light organ usually occupies ventrite 6 completely although it may be retracted narrowly along lateral and posterior margins (it is restricted to anterolateral plaques in Luciola hypocrita and Atyphella scabra see Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 figs 178, 179). The light organ occupies ventrite 7 completely except for a relatively narrow posterior margin in many species of the genera Luciola and Atyphella and Medeopteryx); it is restricted to the anterior median area of the ventrite in Pygoluciola spp. and Aquatica spp. (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2006 Figs18, 19, 23) where in Pygoluciola the lateral margins of ventrite 7 are free of light organ material; it is restricted to the anterior half or less in Missimia (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Fig. 253), and some Pygatyphella (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 e.g. Figs 24, 305-308, 320, 321, 342, 387), where it may be emarginate across the posterior margin (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 24, 320, 321, 453, 454); bipartite in Pyrophanes, Colophotia, all oriental Pteroptyx, Trisinuata, a few Atyphella and one Pygatyphella.
McDermott (1964) indicated that while 3 luminous segments had been reported for some species he had not seen one with more than two. McLean's histological studies of light organs of certain Lampyridae (Ballantyne & McLean, 1970) indicated that where abdominal ventrites 5, 6 and 7 were white, the light organs were confined to ventrites 6 and 7.
LO reduction in V7. Bipartite LO.
Ballantyne (1987b) considered the bipartite LO in V7 had arisen because of insertion of median longitudinal muscles between LO halves. While this could be the correct explanation in certain Pteroptyx and Trisinuata the situation in other genera appears more complicated. Species of Medeopteryx with entire LOs in V7 may have cuticular strips passing over the dorsal surface of the LOs and connecting anteriorly with longitudinal abdominal muscles (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Fig. 97). In Med. clipeata the anterior area of the LO is missing and occupied by muscle attachments, and this situation might represent an intermediate stage between the entire and bipartite LOs in V7 at least in Medeopteryx species. However in Pteroptyx testacea the LO halves are virtually contiguous in the median line with no obvious muscle attachments causing their separation (Jusoh et al. 2018 Fig 187). In Colophotia spp. a median carina is developed on the ventral face of V7 between LO halves. Pteroptyx maipo has bipartite LOs in V7, the inner margins of which approach closely in the posterior half of V7, while being well separated in the anterior half (Ballantyne et al. 2011 Fig. 33 shows scarce separation between LO halves while Fig. 31 of P. valida shows separation well).
LO in ventrite 7 with anterior emargination.
The light organ may be emarginate across its anterior margin as in Asymmetricata circumdata and species of Sclerotia (Ballantyne et al. 2019 Figs 11, 145-147). The reason for the emargination has not been investigated in the former, but it may be the first step towards the development of a bipartite light organ. In Sclerotia muscles from the three sclerites surrounding the aedeagal sheath attach in part on the dorsal face of ventrite 7 and account for the emargination.
Asymmetricata circumdata has the LO entire in V7 with a small triangular emargination along the middle of the anterior margin. This coincides with a longitudinal groove (developed in some but not all specimens) which runs along the anterior half of the ventral face of V7, but there is no explanation for its function. Ballantyne & Lambkin (2009) surmised that As. circumdata (with entire LO in V7) and As. ovalis (with bipartite LO in V7) could be the same species with a series of intermediate steps in LO reduction. No such specimens have been discovered (see Ballantyne et al. 2019 Figs 145-147).
Sclerotia species (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Fig. 5 Node 62; Ballantyne et al. 2016 and figures therein)) have a set of three sclerites surrounding the aedeagal sheath. Muscles from the largest (ventral) sclerite attach at least in part on the dorsal face of V7 and account for the emargination of the LO in this area. Medeopteryx clipeata has a fairly wide anterior emargination of an otherwise entire LO in V7 and muscle impressions are clearly visible in the area.
LO in ventrite 7 with posterior emargination.
In Pygatyphella spp. the posterior margin of the entire LO in V7 is often emarginated, sometimes deeply, and the emargination allows for muscle attachment (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 315, 320, 321).
Loss of LO
There are circumstances where the LO may be being lost rather than being reduced for functional purposes of muscle attachment as above. Here it would be assumed the species come to rely on other, possibly olfactory, clues. The New Guinean Atyphella scabra Olivier has very reduced LOs occurring as lateral plaques in both V6 and 7 (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 figs 178, 179), but the female is unknown. Males however have very short antennae. Luciola hypocrita has no LO in V7 and anterolateral LO plaques in V6 only (Deheyn & Ballantyne 2008); the female is flightless. L. oculofissa is the only Luciolinae species known thus far where there is no LO. Both hypocrita and oculofissa have eye emarginations, huge in the latter species (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2013 Figs 120-122). The non-lucioline Rhagophthalmus spp. males lack a LO but have huge emarginated eyes, and short antennae, and their females are brightly luminous and larviform (Ho et al. 2012).
Origin of LOs in V7.
Ballantyne et al. (2011) indicated that the larval and adult LOs may not be homologous, since studies on light production by late instar larvae and pupae indicate the LOs are broken down and reassembled (larvae have a LO in abdominal segment 8, while in adult males the LO is in segments 6 and 7, and in females only in segment 6). Yiu’s (2011) study on the light configurations of several Luciolinae larvae and adults illustrate larval LO remnants in V8 in the female which disappear as the adult LOs in V6 are developed.
The dorsal face of ventrite 7
Developments of the dorsal face of ventrite 7 have been studied mainly in Medeopteryx which have an entire light organ in ventrite 7. Species studied possess cuticularised strap-like pieces which extend anteriorly across the dorsal face of the light organ (Ballantyne 1987 Figs 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Fig. 97). Muscles attaching anteriorly to these insert in part on the aedeagal sheath and partly on the anterior margin of ventrite 7. Gentle tugging on these straps with fine forceps will cause the median posterior projection of ventrite 7 to arch dorsally. In contrast species in which the light organ is bipartite in ventrite 7 appear to have a slightly different method of arching the median posterior area of ventrite 7, in that muscles insert at least in part on the median area of ventrite 7 between light organ halves.
Development of tergite 8
Prolongation of tergite 8 medianly as a slender elongate projection occurs in Pygoluciola(Ballantyne & Lambkin 2006 Figs 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26). In Pygatyphella spp. tergite 8 may narrow posteriorly (e.g. Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 311, 312, 314, 322, 360, 361, 410); the apex of tergite 8 is ventrally curved in Pygat. undulata where it envelops the tip of ventrite 7 (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Figs 452-454), and in Pygoluciola spp. (e.g. Pygoluciola hamulata Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Fig. 60) and is bifurcate in Pygoluciola wittmeri.
In Pteroptyx and Medeopteryx the median posterior margin of tergite 8 is emarginate, a midventral longitudinal trough houses the aedeagal sheath, and the reflexed lateral margins of tergite 8 (ridges) form the lateral borders of this trough. The median trough and lateral ridges are better developed in New Guinean Medeopteryx, where projections (flanges) of varying shapes arise from the anteromedial angles of the downturned lateral margins and incline anteriorly (Ballantyne 1987 Fig. 14 h, k). The shape of the flanges is of taxonomic importance. Tergite 8 of most oriental Pteroptyx lacks these flanges (Ballantyne 1987 Fig. 14 d, l) and the downturned margins may be more obviously developed across the posterior margin of tergite 8. Lateral protuberances of the aedeagal sheath tergite in oriental Pteroptyx might be generally incompatible with flanges on tergite 8.
Modifications of tergite 8 in other genera are seen. Many of these may well be shown to be more directly related to muscle attachments as more specimens become available for study. In Pyrophanes the lateral portions of the ventral surface of tergite 8 (to the sides of the median trough) are further depressed and bear spines and hairs. In a few pinned Pyrophanes the posterior margin of ventrite 7 between but not including the posterolateral projections, may be inclined dorsally at right angles to the median line, and in this position the incurving projections of this margin appear to make contact with the spines and hairs of tergite 8. The ventral face of tergite 8 is medially grooved in many Luciola, Pyrophanes and Colophotia, and houses the aedeagal sheath. The anterior margin of tergite 8 is bifurcate and often prolonged anteriorly beneath tergite 7. In Colophotia these prolongations are very long and coincide with the extra long aedeagal sheath. Only in this genus are the anterolateral corners of tergite 7 slightly prolonged as well. Tergite 8 of Asymmetricata species is strongly asymmetrical and emarginate on its left side suggesting the aedeagus can only be extracted in this direction (no obvious asymmetry exists in the aedeagal sheath however).
(This section extracted with some modifications from Ballantyne 1987, Ballantyne 1992 and Ballantyne & Lambkin 2013)
The Luciolinae have lost any external manifestations of ventrite 8 and it is my contention that the loss of this ventrite has predisposed the terminal Luciolinae abdomen to many of the modifications we see there. It appears that the architecture of the abdomen is related to the mechanics of copulation and the mechanisms of the associated musculature, and because ventrite 8 is no longer a surface for muscle attachment then other areas must be developed to provide that area, especially as it relates to the light organ area. Many of the external morphological manifestations of the abdomen are not of copulatory significance in themselves, but are thus external manifestations of the need for increased surface area for muscle attachment. Included are the longitudinal ventral muscles that achieve abdominal flexion, the intersegmental muscles attaching ventrite 7 to sternite 9 and tergite 8 to tergite 9, and the dorsoventral muscles from tergite 7 to ventrite 7. A surface area for attachment is required and a form of reinforcing against muscle pull. Mechanical modifications (those not obviously directly related to actual muscle insertions) may follow as a consequence of muscle development in other areas.
Wing et al. (1983) described a copulation clamp in Pteroptyx valida where the deflexed elytral apices of the male press down on the enlarged median posterior projection of ventrite 7 and, when the coupled pair is tail to tail, wedges them together. Discovery of this copulation clamp led Ballantyne to a more detailed anatomical study of many Pteroptyx species which revealed modifications that could be directly related to their use in a clamp situation.
A bipartite light organ may result from insertion of muscles in the median area of ventrite 7. In Pteroptyx muscles attaching on the intersegmental membrane anterior to the median posterior projection of ventrite 7 insert on the median dorsal face of ventrite 7. Contraction of these muscles, which insert also in part on sternite 9, result in some dorsal arching of the median projection. In Medeopteryx with light organ in ventrite 7 entire a similar group of muscles insert more anteriorly in the intersegmental area between ventrites 6 and 7. Additional cuticularisation of the intersegmental membrane occurs in the form of cuticular strips. Tugging on these strips with forceps in an anterior direction causes the median posterior projection of ventrite 7 to arch as it might in a clamp situation (manipulation performed on wet alcohol preserved specimens only). Medeopteryx clipeata has an entire light organ which is emarginate along its anterior margin (similar to the situation seen in Sclerotia substriata).
The bipartite light organ, the reduction of the light organ to the anterior half or less of ventrite 7, and the reduction of light organ area in the anterior median area only of ventrite 7 all allow for muscle attachment on that ventrite.
Modifications relating directly to muscle attachments are seen in other genera. Several Australian Australoluciola species which have light organs in ventrite 7 entire but reduced to the anteromedian position of ventrite 7 also have a posterior prolongation of the median posterior area of ventrite 7. Many muscles visible through the cuticle in dried pinned specimens of Pygatyphella species insert on the posterior part of this prolongation, which may have been developed as a reinforcing rod to counter muscle pull, as well as to provide extra surface area for muscle attachment. (In regard to the latter, this modification is considered functionally similar to the development of the bipartite light organ discussed above.) Pygat. undulata and Pygat. tagensis lack the narrowed median posterior prolongation of ventrite 7. Both functions could be achieved in these species by the pronounced arching of the posterior half of ventrite 7. Reinforcing against muscle pull could be the function of the median carina between light organ halves in certain Colophotia. The dimple and hump on ventrite 7 of certain Medeopteryx are probably the result of the pressure of muscle pull on the median posterior projection of ventrite 7 and may constitute a form of reinforcing like the median carina of certain Colophotia.
Areas of attachment of the dorsoventral muscles attaching tergite 7 to ventrite 7 are visible through the cuticle in pinned specimens of Triangulara sp. (mentioned as a presently unidentified Luciola sp. in Ballantyne, 1987b, Fig. 1 a, c). Such a strong attachment between ventrites and tergites would anchor the aedeagal sheath in position, akin to the ventral trough of tergite 8 outlined above. Sclerotia aquatilis (identified in Ballantyne, 1987b, Fig. 1g as L. japonica) has heavily sclerotized "hooks" in the intersegmental membrane between ventrites 7 and 9. These are a cuticularisation, probably secondary, in the region where one would expect to see remnants of ventrite 8 (Lawrence, pers. comm.). They provide area for muscle attachment and are characteristic of species in the genus Sclerotia (Ballantyne et al. 2015 Figs 29-31).
Mechanical modifications in bent winged fireflies which could be a consequence of the development of the copulation clamp are also evident. The median ventral "trough" of tergite 8 housing the aedeagal sheath ensures that it and the aedeagus remain in a specific position as the tip of the female abdomen is drawn into the space between ventrite 7 and tergite 8. Positioning is critical if the clamp is to function correctly and not cause internal damage to the female (Wing et al., 1983). The lateral posterior corners of ventrite 7, which remain outside the female abdomen during copulation (Wing, pers. comm.), and the flanges on the ventral face of tergite 8 may manoeuvre the female abdomen into the correct position for a clamp to be effective.
The bifurcate anterior margin of tergite 8 is prolonged anteriorly beneath tergite 7 in all Luciolinae males investigated, and provides extra surface area for muscle attachment, as well as accommodating the aedeagal sheath. This prolongation is most extreme in certain Colophotia species where the length appears to coincide with the very long aedeagal sheath. Only in these same Colophotia are the anterolateral corners of tergite 7 also prolonged although not to the extent of tergite 8. No other abdominal tergites are anteriorly prolonged.
The prolongation of tergite 8 posteriorly, especially where it inclines ventrally, as in species of Pygoluciola, may contribute a mechanical advantage in physically deterring other males from attempting to copulate with an already coupled female. The "bizarre" hooks arising from the median posterior area of ventrite 7 in some Colophotia could function similarly. The possibility that the firefly encounters mechanical difficulty in extracting the aedeagus is suggested where prolongations and apical curvature of both ventrite 7 and tergite 8 occur. The area lateral to the median posterior projection of ventrite 7 in many of these species is quite open, and the aedeagus is probably extracted laterally. Modifications in Asymmetricata ovalis, As. circumdata (Ballantyne, 1987b, Fig. 1, d - f) where tergite 8 is asymmetrical suggest the aedeagus must be extracted dorsally because the more usual direction is blocked.
Luciolinae males have 6 visible abdominal ventrites (belonging to actual segments 2 - 7) with the light organ beneath the ventrites of segments 6 and 7. Males of species in other subfamilies (Photinus, Photuris, Aspisoma and Pyractomena spp.) have 7 visible abdominal sternites belonging to actual segments 2 - 8 with the light organ beneath segments 6 and 7, as it is in the Luciolinae. However sternite 8 is present and visible, although reduced. The loss of this eighth sternite in the Luciolinae was probably the catalyst for many of the modifications described here.
In the Luciolinae males the aedeagal sheath is retracted within and between ventrite 7 and tergite 8. Any musculature to move this sheath will require surface area for attachment.
In the anterior ventrites of Pteroptyx valida the ventral longitudinal muscles fan obliquely (Ballantyne 2001 Fig.46). The largest muscle blocks occur in segments 4 and 5. Ballantyne, 1987a, 1987b considered the arrangement of the ventral longitudinal muscles, especially in ventrite 7 would pull the median posterior projection of ventrite 7 against the deflexed elytral apices in a copulation clamp. However, Case (1984) described the flexion of the male abdomen where the terminal abdomen and light organ is displayed in the female's face. The arrangement of the ventral longitudinal muscles described above would achieve some bending of the abdomen around segments 4 and 5. The median posterior projection of ventrite 7 then becomes the final reinforcing point in the abdomen against which these muscles pull. Flexion of the abdomen is an important reproductive strategy for male fireflies (Lloyd, 1979a; Lloyd et al., 1989; Case, 1984) in leading to a "genital pocket" display which suggests the use of chemical signals in addition to light. The abdomen is also flexible enough to be able to be retracted (Wing et al., 1983 Fig. 3 shows the apex of the abdomen at rest anterior to the deflexed elytral apex.) The flexing movement probably developed first and the developments of ventrite 7, especially of the median posterior projection, followed partly as a consequence and partly for extra surface area for muscles that move the aedeagus and aedeagal sheath.
Certain Medeopteryx having deflexed elytral apices have abdominal structures similar to those of Pteroptyx. If these abdominal modifications are the result of muscle insertions developed primarily to flex the abdomen, then such species are predisposed to development of a copulation clamp where some increase in surface area of the elytral apex is required. (Comparable modifications would be necessary to the female reproductive tract.) It is interesting that certain species (e.g. M. minor, P. truncata) have a relatively small deflexed elytral apex.
However, there are other aspects of the morphology of the male abdomen that need to be considered relative to the copulation clamp, which has been demonstrated only in two Pteroptyx species, valida and maipo. The critical feature may be the configuration of the median posterior projection of ventrite 7 in these species, which is a solid structure with a relatively flat dorsal surface. It is against this surface that the elytra engage with the female abdomen wedged between the two. If this interpretation is correct then we would not expect to see species with deflexed apices and hooked or bifurcate median posterior projections of ventrite 7 developing a copulation clamp.
The median posterior projection of ventrite 7 often remains dorsally arched in certain pinned Pteroptyx. Dorsal arching of the posterior margin of abdominal ventrite 7 (excluding the posterolateral corners) occurs in some pinned Pyrophanes, where the elytral apex is not deflexed. Such a development in Pyrophanes does not suggest a copulation clamp, but rather that abdominal flexion occurs.
The ventral longitudinal muscles that flex the abdomen require surface area for attachment. In the Luciolinae because of the loss of ventrite 8 they attach at least in part on ventrite 7. The area of the light organ in this ventrite is reduced and often bipartite. These muscles finally pull against the posterior margin, in particular the median posterior projection of ventrite 7, which is often well developed in Luciolinae males. Any further developments of the posterior margin of ventrite 7 and the extra surface area provided by the median posterior projection will provide extra surface area for attachment of the aedeagal sheath muscles, which would normally have inserted in ventrite 8.
While the male abdomen in many situations is thus predisposed to the arching necessary for a copulation clamp to function we see above that other features are necessary as well.
Such considerations are not obvious in the Lampyrinae and Photurinae where sternite 8 and its associated area for muscle attachment are present, and present a remarkable uniformity of structure of the terminal abdomen, where sternite 8 is free of the light organ and the aedeagal sheath is retracted into the terminal abdomen between sternite 8 and tergite 8. Here there is apparently no involvement of the terminal abdomen in the reproductive process. The complex nature of the aedeagus and the juxtaposition of various parts are strongly suggestive of structures like hooks and snips but in the absence of any reliably associated females (or indeed in most cases any females) we can only surmise at their function in the female reproductive tract especially the supposed manipulative abilities to ensure that that male's sperm is the only sperm to fertilise the female.
Summary of abdominal and aedeagal sheath modifications in the Luciolinae
1. Although Luciolinae males are distinguished primarily by the presence of only 6 visible abdominal sternites/ventrites (belonging to actual abdominal segments 2 - 7), certain males possess remnants of sternite 1 as lateral cuticular plaques in an otherwise membranous area.
2. Many of the external modifications of the male terminal abdomen are not directly of copulatory significance, as previously supposed. They are instead external manifestations of the need for increased surface area for muscle attachment, and a form of reinforcing against muscle pull, which arise directly from the ventral longitudinal muscles that cause the abdomen to flex. Modifications are explained in this light. Other "mechanical" modifications not directly related to muscle attachment may follow as a consequence of muscle development in other areas. These are related to their indirect uses in a reproductive context.
3. Two explanations for such modifications are advanced. The first is the loss (or fusion with sternite 7) in Luciolinae males of abdominal sternite 8, and the consequent loss of a surface area for muscle attachment that this sternite presented. Most modifications in Luciolinae male abdomens can be attributed directly to this loss, although no explanation is offered.
The second is the ability of the males to flex their abdomens. Because sternite 8 is absent a reduction in the light organ in sternite 7 may occur to allow for attachment of these muscles. This leads to a bipartite light organ or a reduction of the light organ area in sternite 7. The ventral longitudinal muscles ultimately pull against the median posterior projection of sternite 7 which provides extra surface area as well as a type of reinforcement against muscle pull.
4. Understanding of the structure of both abdomen and aedeagal sheath allows predictions to be made about reproductive behaviour, much of which can be assessed against known behaviour patterns.
Flighted females
Flightless females
Table of characteristics flightless females
Introduction. Luciolinae taxonomy has been associated with three major problems (Ballantyne 2008; Ballantyne et al. 2019). The first, the lack of an adequate taxonomic framework, has been largely overcome by Ballantyne & Lambkin (2009, 2013), Jusoh et al. (2018) and Ballantyne et al. (2019), where phylogenetic analyses, some incorporating molecular data, listed and keyed 28 genera in the Luciolinae, including one genus from Madagascar. Phylogenetic analyses using molecular information, but far fewer species, support the overall trends we describe (Chen et al., 2019; Martin et al., 2017, 2019; Stanger Hall et al., 2007).
The second problem was the inadequate definition of the genus Luciola Laporte. The analyses listed above have made considerable inroads into the large numbers of species which McDermott (1966) assigned to Luciola, with definitions of new genera and new species. We can now define Luciola s. str., based on the type species, and in which we now include 17 species (Ballantyne et al. 2019; Jusoh et al. 2021).
The third problem, and the reason for this section, is the reliance on features of males. Luciolinae taxonomy is male based. Keys to genera use male characteristics. Only a few genera thus far have also been addressed with keys to females. There are good reasons for this. Few females have been reliably associated (either rarely by breeding or having been taken with a male in copulo).
Descriptions of females initially concentrated on external morphology including colour (Ballantyne 1968, 1987a, 1988, 2001; Ballantyne & Buck 1979; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2000, 2001; Ballantyne & McLean 1970; Ballantyne & Menayah 2000; Deheyn & Ballantyne 2009; Fu & Ballantyne 2006; Kawashima 2003; Thancharoen et al. 2007; Jeng Lai et al. 2003; Jeng, Yang et al. 2003; see review in Fu & Ballantyne 2021). Association of females was often based on label data, similarity of location and colour pattern to that of the male, and occasionally pairs taken in copulo.
Heavy reliance on similarity of colour patterns leads to misidentifications. It is the first author’s opinion that none of the following characterisations of females would necessarily result in adequate identification of isolated female specimens (i.e., not taken with the males), primarily as they rely too heavily on similarities of colour patterns to the males: Ballantyne & McLean (1970), Ballantyne (1987a), Ohba & Sim (1994), Ballantyne & Menayah (2000), Ballantyne & Lambkin (2000), Kawashima (2003).
As fresh material became available and interest in firefly anatomy increased the internal reproductive system was investigated, and generic and specific differences in various internal structures became apparent (Ballantyne 2008; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2006, 2009, 2013; Ballantyne et al. 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019; Fu & Ballantyne 2006, 2008; Fu Ballantyne & Lambkin 2010, 2012a; Fu South & Lewis 2012; Ji 2014; Nada & Ballantyne 2018; South et al. 2008, 2010; Fu & Ballantyne 2021).
Attempts have recently been made to associate males and females using molecular technology (Jusoh et al. 2018). But even reliance on association by similarities of DNA profiles may not always permit adequate identifications to species using morphological characters, especially in the genus Pteroptyx Olivier, unless the females are taken in association with males.
Approaches of a different nature include an attempt to identify both males and females of three Thai species. Sumruayphol & Chaiphongpachara (2019) used body outlines of freshly collected specimens which were frozen soon after collection, but they ignored the potential for the pronotum and head to droop and did not specify how their images and measurements might address this situation. Their system used males and females already identified by morphology and collection data. Females were consistently larger than males.
Circumstances where morphological determination of females to genus and sometimes species are adequate are the exception, and include the following: Curtos Motschulsky females are distinguished by the same elytral features as the male – a distinct elytral costa running from the humeral angle, and broad irregularly placed elytral punctation (Ballantyne & Lambkin, 2000, 2009; Ballantyne et al. 2019). In other Luciolinae distinctive male elytral features are of reproductive significance (e.g., the deflexed elytral apices of Pteroptyx), but are not seen in the female (Jusoh et al. 2018). Some Pygoluciola Wittmer females can be distinguished by features of the terminal abdomen (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2001, 2006; Ballantyne 2008; Nada & Ballantyne 2018; Ballantyne et al. 2019). Australian flightless Atyphella Olliff are obvious by the degree of reduction of the fore and hind wings (Ballantyne & Lambkin, 2000, 2009; Ballantyne et al. 2019). Some Japanese females are distinguished by flash patterns, as well as some morphological data ( Ohba 1983a & b, 1984, 1985, 1986, 2000, 2001; Ohba & Yang 2003; Ohba et al. 2001, Ohba Azuma et al. 1994, Ohba & Sim, 1994).
Fu & Ballantyne (2021) listed eight genera characterised only by external morphology, and another 17 where some information existed about internal female anatomy including the reproductive system. Until now no attempts have been made to characterise genera from female characteristics alone. Ballantyne & Lambkin (2009, 2013 Table 6, 7) outlined the myriad of sexual differences in the Luciolinae (concentrating on male morphology), characterised 20 of 23 genera from some aspects of external female morphology as well as male characteristics, and scored features of females of 87 species including 11 which are flightless. Here we are able to greatly expand descriptions of females from both external and internal anatomy, and we anticipate we will address females of 124 species in 26 genera, including 17 flightless species. Part 1 addresses 14 genera and 64 species using females.
Any female-based taxonomy requires reliably associated females, which is difficult – the association may be established by breeding (rarely e.g., Ballantyne & Menayah 2000, 2002; Fu & Ballantyne 2006, 2008) or by taking the mating pair in copulo. Ballantyne & Lambkin (2000, 2006) made certain pragmatic recommendations to allow at least tentative association of the sexes, based on similarity of location, and knowledge of the number of different species in any area.
Since accurate representation of the internal female reproductive tract requires either freshly collected or ethanol preserved specimens, where possible appropriately preserved females were relocated for this investigation. Much of the investigation however still has relied on dried material only. Findings from ethanol preserved specimens were extended to dried pinned specimens where possible. No females were bred specifically for this investigation.
Characteristics of Luciolinae females
(expanded and modified from Ballantyne & Lambkin 2013)
Luciolinae females: macropterous, or flightless due to shortened hind wings. Abdomen having 8 segments, with LO restricted to V6, and V7, 8 devoid of LO (V7 may contain patches of white fat body which has not yet been shown to luminesce), with lateral margins tapering.
Macropterous (flighted females).
Capacity for flight either observed in the field or assessed by the similarity in length of both fore and hind wings; elytra usually cover whole body; in some cases gravid abdomen may protrude beyond elytral apices; in females of Sclerotia, Triangulara Pimpasalee (Ballantyne et al. 2016 figs 95, 96, 100, 143), and Pygatyphella (Ballantyne) (Ballantyne et al. 2009 figs 266, 281) the terminal two abdominal segments are more heavily sclerotised than the remainder and usually protrude beyond the elytral apices.
Colour pattern Ballantyne 1968 figs 20, 23, 23, 33, 38, 119, 120, 130, 135; 1987 figs 5, 9, 10; Ballantyne & McLean 1970 figs 11, 12, Plate 2; Ballantyne & Buck 1979 fig. 23; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2000, fig.6; 2009 figs 25, 130, 193, 228, 266, 280, 420, 443, 481; 2012 figs 18, 92, 104, 225, 252; Ballantyne & Menayah 2000 fig. 1e; Ballantyne et al. 2011 fig. 3; 2013 figs 2, 7, 18, 19; 2016 figs 95, 99; 2019 figs 120–122, 124, 125, 128, 168, 170, 209, 280, 286, 339, 340, 418, 420, 421, 433; Deheyn & Ballantyne 2009 fig. 3; Fu et al. 2008 fig 6; Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 51, 130, 172, 175, 178; Thancharoen et al. 2007 fig. 4; Chen 2003:163–185); Fu 2014: 21–108; dorsal surface coloured as for male; ventral surface usually coloured as for male except white/cream LO restricted to V6, and V7, 8 are almost always pale coloured and may be semi-transparent; ventrites immediately anterior to LO may be dark.
Size and body shape (see figures of colour above for body shape): outline of body usually follows that of male; in Luciola cruciata Motschulsky, South et al.(2008) found females were considerably heavier than the males; all females examined were subequal in length to that of males.
Pronotum (see figures of colour patterns above): dorsal median line often as a sulcus always developed; width/humeral width like that of males; outline similar to that of males except in those with pronotal width less than humeral width and lateral margins often subparallel-sided, where the anterolateral corners may be rounded rather than angulate; width across prothoracic cavity usually exceeds head width; flattening of hypomeron follows that of male.
Elytra (see figures above for colour patterns): similar in size, outline of lateral margin, sculpture, and development of interstitial lines to that of male; without deflexed or emarginated apices; apices of elytra in A. aphrogeneia Ballantyne & Buck narrow and are not medially contiguous in apical ¼ (Ballantyne & Buck 1979 fig. 23; Ballantyne et al. 2009 fig. 118).
Head: Ballantyne & Buck 1979 fig.27; Thancharoen et al. 2007 fig 4; Fu et al. 2006 fig. 2; 2010 fig. 42; 2012 figs 4, 24; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 figs 8, 14, 26, 131, 194, 227, 266; 2013 fig. 93; Ballantyne et al. 2011 fig. 4; 2013 figs 2, 7, 14, 18, 19, 20; 2015 fig. 106; 2016 figs 41, 96, 100, 143, 145, 149; 2019 figs 121, 124, 132; Nada & Ballantyne 2018 figs 25, 26, 30, 33; Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 51, 52, 131, 173, 176, 188. Head narrower, shorter and lower than head of male consequently head can be partially or in many cases completely retracted within the prothoracic cavity; male/female head width 1.1–1.4; heads of male and female Pygatyphella are scarcely different in width and both can be retracted within the prothoracic cavity (Ballantyne 1968 figs 21, 35, 39, 48, 52, 56; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 figs 281, 384, 386, 394, 396, 444, 482); as eyes are smaller than those of male the front of the head may appear slightly prolonged, lateral margins converging slightly, with the antennal sockets,, labrum and mouthparts on this prolongation; vertex flat or very little depressed; clypeolabral suture present, labrum soft and flexible except in Missimia where the suture is absent and the labrum inflexibly joined to the head (Ballantyne 1968 figs 132, 134; Ballantyne et al. 2019 fig 9). Ballantyne & Lambkin (2009 fig. 6b) depicted a winged female head. Mouthparts (see pictures of head above): well-developed indicating the possibility of feeding; shape and dentition of apical labial and maxillary palpomeres as for male (where dentition pattern may vary from R to L palp). Antennae (Figs ): 11 segmented with elongate scape which is expanded in apical half, pedicel shorter than scape and FS1, all flagellar segments elongate slender; no flagellomeres expanded. The single apparently flighted female of Pteroptyx macdermotti McLean was described with shortened bead like flagellomeres, and will be addressed under Pteroptyx, and re-examined (Ballantyne & McLean 1970).
Legs: (Ballantyne et al. 2011 figs 49, 50; see also pictures of ventral body, including abdomen, below, which show legs); simple, lacking obvious male, presumed sexual, characters such as the MFC, excavations of the inner margin of basitarsus 2, swollen and curved femora/tibiae (except for curved tibiae of all legs in Pygoluciola guigliae Ballantyne; Ballantyne 1968 fig. 118).
Abdomen: (Ballantyne 1968 figs 34, 36, 37, 46, 47, 61, 131, 133; 1987 figs 5, 6; 1988 fig. 12; 2008 fig. 7; Ballantyne & McLean 1970 figs 11, 12; Ballantyne & Buck 1979 fig 26; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2001 figs 16–19; 2006 figs 28–30, 33, 34; 2009 figs 14, 26, 194, 211, 227, 281, 384, 386, 444, 482; 2013 figs 38, 93, 94, 105, 154–159, 204–207, 263; Ballantyne & Menayah 2000 fig. 1; Ballantyne et al.2011 figs 4, 51, 52; 2013 2, 7, 9, 19, 20; 2015 figs 18, 19, 106; 2–16 figs 41, 96, 100; 2019 figs 148, 169, 175, 210, 241–244, 281, 282, 287, 338, 342, 419, 434, 435; Fu & Ballantyne 2006 fig. 5; Fu et al. 2010 figs 4, 29, 43; Nada & Ballantyne 2018 figs 25—28, 30, 33; Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 52, 131, 173, 176, 188); Chen 2003 163–169, 172–179, 182–184; Fu 2014 21–107). The female abdomen conforms to that of the male in all specimens, flighted or not, where the ventrites are dorsally reflexed and the spiracles are in these areas. The abdomen expands along the lateral line between ventrites and tergites, and between adjacent segments; with 7 visible ventrites (actual segments 2–8); V1 may be represented by small paired pale plates in intersegmental membrane, V2 often with larger paired, cuticularised lateral portions, membranous across the middle; entire LO beneath V6 (very occasionally this LO is bipartite; V7 with posterior margin medianly emarginate and lateral margins tapering; V8 with strongly tapering margins, narrow posterior margin which may be medianly emarginated; ventrites posterior to light organ often paler than those preceding it; underlying fat body particularly beneath V7 may suggest light organ material (no evidence presently suggests that the LO extends into this segment); V8 with an anteromedian prolongation onto which muscles from the valvifers attach; in dried specimens in Pygoluciola kinabalua Ballantyne a swelling on the dorsal surface of T8 and transverse median ridge on V6 occur (Ballantyne & Lambkin, 2001 figs 18, 19; 2006; Ballantyne 2008); depressed areas to the sides of V7 may represent torsion in the dorso-ventral muscles in this segment; abdomen may protrude beyond elytral apices in some Abscondita, Pygatyphella, Sclerotia and Triangulara females; terminal two abdominal segments with heavily sclerotised tergites and ventrites in Pygatyphella, Sclerotia and Triangulara females (Ballantyne et al. 2013 fig. 95), and Pygoluciola (Nada & Ballantyne 2018 figs 25, 26, 29, 31, 32.); in Pygatyphella these segments are also darker than preceding segments and often protrude beyond the elytral apex in ethanol preserved specimens even when the abdomen is not gravid; Sclerotia females lay their eggs attached to water weeds as their larvae are aquatic and this modification may assist the process.
External genitalia. The female ovipositor (Ballantyne 1968 fig. 32; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2006 figs 35, 36; Ballantyne et al.2016 fig. 107; 2019 figs 151, 177, 436; Fu & Ballantyne 2006 figs 6, 7; 2008 fig. 21) consists of a pair of elongate laterally expanded appendages the gonocoxites (subdivided into proximal and distal portions), terminated by single segmented styli; the gonocoxites extend anteriorly into elongate slender valvifers (baculi) along each side of the vagina (Lawrence & Ślipiński 2013).
In egg laying the distal gonocoxites and the terminal styli protrude from the end of the abdomen. Muscles from the valvifers attach onto the anterior apodeme of ventrite 8 and also to the sides of the vagina and their contractions widen the vagina during egg laying (Ballantyne et al. 2019). Some distortion of the external surface of V8 may result. South et al. (2008) differ in their interpretations of the extent of the vagina and bursa (see below) and indicate the valvifers attaching on to the sides of the posterior end of the bursa. Some specific differences occur in the relative widths and degree of sclerotisation of the coxite plates, and the size of the styli, which may relate to egg size and the situations in which eggs are laid.
Structure of the internal female genital tract. (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2013 figs 54, 55, 91, 96–98, 106, 160–167, 200–203, 222, 265; Ballantyne et al. 2011 figs 53–60; 2013 figs 11, 24; 2015 figs 19, 20, 107; 2019 figs 149, 150, 152, 153, 176, 178, 179, 245, 341, 343, 436; Nada & Ballantyne 2018 figs 34–37; Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 53–56, 132–134, 174, 177, 194, 195, 198, 210–214). An elongate cylindrical vagina leads anteriorly from the vulva, just anterior to the styli. South et al. (2008) indicated a small tubular gland entering the dorsal wall of the bursa (vagina) which is probably a colleterial gland (involved in chorion formation). Ji (2014) described various shapes of this presumed gland in 8 genera and 19 species. The vagina enlarges anterior to the entry of the common oviduct to form an elongate, blind ending bursa copulatrix which may contain paired plates (2 or 4). South et al. 2008 referred the bursa to an area extending both anterior and posterior to the opening of the median oviduct. (We retain our interpretation of the vagina as the common duct leading from vulva to the median oviduct, with bursa anterior to the common oviduct, and having a thin walled spermatophore digesting gland at its anterior end). We consider the areas of bursa and common oviduct as functionally different. Lawrence & Ślipiński (2013) do not indicate the area at which the bursa can be differentiated from the vagina, while indicating the bursa may have internal armature. Opening from the anterior end of the bursa is a spermatophore digesting gland (which may not be expanded and is often difficult to see unless immersed in water). The digesting gland is thin walled and eventually contains the spermatophore as it is being digested. In mated females it also contains heterogeneous granules from the spermatophore not seen in unmated females (Fu observations). Regardless of mating status Fu (pers com.) observed each SDG also contained a small white mass of unknown material in Aq. leii, Abs terminalis, Curtos costipennis, Sclerotia flavida and L. parvula. Paired ovaries containing ovarioles with oocytes in different stages of development occupy the major volume of the gravid female abdomen, and lead into lateral oviducts which may also contain mature oocytes. Lateral oviducts converge into a median oviduct which joins the vagina at a dorsal midpoint. A singe sclerotised plate, the median oviduct plate occurs in the dorsal wall of the median oviduct (and sometimes also the vagina) where it is curved and follows the outline of the duct, and was observed in many species. Fu & Ballantyne (2006) conjectured its possible function may be to direct the spermatophore into the bursa and not the median oviduct. In certain species (e.g. Aq. leii) this plate extends into both the median oviduct and vagina occupying the dorsal half of the duct. Pressure from an egg moving down the median oviduct might stimulate the release of sperm.
The single spermatheca is usually small and stalked and arises from the posterior area of the bursa near the entry of the median oviduct. (this aspect has not been investigated in all species); the basal area of attachment of the duct to the wall of the bursa is often elevated and expanded, and may be sclerotised, and a thin single plate may be seen in the bursa wall in front of this swelling, and between the bursa plates where they are present. The bursa often has a constriction between the anterior and posterior pair of plates in Pyrophanes (Ballantyne et al. 2015 figs 19, 20,107), Pteroptyx (Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 53, 54, 198, 199) and Colophotia, possibly a post mortem effect. A small projection from the spermatophore was observed in Aq. lateralis, L. cruciata Motsch. and Aq. ficta to fit precisely into the expanded base of the spermathecal duct (South et al. 2008). Isolated examples of this projection already developed were seen in males (both pinned and ethanol preserved) which still had the spermatophore partially extruded and were killed before they completely discharged it . The timing of production of this projection is discussed subsequently. Ji (2014) considered an elongate filamentous female accessory gland entered the bursa behind and to the sides of the SDG, but we were unable to confirm its existence in all of our specimens. This gland may be responsible for egg shell materials. Our failure to find it may relate to the quality of the material we had to examine.
Bursa . Eleven genera possessing bursa plates which either consist of a single pair or two pairs on each side of the often somewhat flattened bursa are: Abscondita Ballantyne, Aquatica Fu & Ballantyne, Australoluciola Ballantyne, Colophotia Dejean, Emarginoptyx Ballantyne, one species of Luciola s. str., Medeopteryx Ballantyne (Ballantyne et al. 2013 figs 160-166), Pteroptyx Olivier (Ballantyne et al. 2013 figs 201, 202; Jusoh et al. 2018 figs 132-134, 198, 199), Pygoluciola Wittmer (Nada et al. 2018 figs 34-37), Pyrophanes Olivier (Ballantyne et al. 2015 fig. 19) and Trisinuata Ballantyne (Ballantyne et al. 2013 fig. 265). Plates are either paired thin strips (Aquatica), paired thin strips with hooks (Abscondita, Pygoluciola), or two pairs of flat plates with rugulose inner margins (Australoluciola, Colophotia, Emarginoptyx, Luciola, Medeopteryx, most Pteroptyx, Pyrophanes and Trisinuata). In both Pteroptyx maipo and P. valida the single large plates at each side of the bursa may reflect a fusion of the paired plates seen in other Pteroptyx (Ballantyne et al. 2011 figs 53-60). Absence of bursa plates has been reliably determined in Asymmetricata Ballantyne, Emeia Fu et al., Kuantana Ballantyne, Sclerotia Ballantyne and Triangulara Pimpasalee, and Luciola cruciata (Ballantyne et al. 2013, 2016; Fu et al. 2012). No information about bursa plates exists for another 9 genera where few associated females were obtained. In species with wide paired plates on each side of the bursa the posterior pair incline transversely and may act as guides for the incoming spermatophore; anterior plates in these species densely rugulose on their inner surfaces; distance between plates may be a reflection of the presence of a partially digested spermatophore, or the results of dehydration.
Spermatophores. The spermatophore is a container that serves to protect the semen during transfer to the female (Davey 1960). It is produced by male accessory glands as a viscous substance that surrounds the spermatozooids and solidifies on them (Mann 1984). In Aquatica leii it has an outer membranous sheath surrounding a spongy matrix (Fu observations). During mating in Luciolinae females it is extruded as a gelatinous mass through the ejaculatory orifice of the median lobe of the aedeagus into the female tract. Few whole spermatophores were seen inside the bursa and only two were located still attached to the male genitalia of dried pinned males. Both of these specimens already had a small pointed protrusion from the side that might be the beginning of the attachment to the base of the spermathecal duct. In P. maipo the spermatophore appears to be held in place by the anterior ends of the bursa plates, partially within the bursa and partially protruding into the spermatophore digesting gland (Ballantyne et al. 2011 fig. 58). The function of other forms of bursa plates, and the significance of function in those species without plates is addressed in the discussion.
Accessory gland. Fu & Ballantyne (2021) identified what they termed a female accessory gland which entered the vagina posterior to the entry of the median oviduct, and surmised its function to produce shell materials for the egg shell. Possible FAGs are described here for several females.
Process of mating. Ballantyne et al. (2011 figs 85–92). Few observations have been made of the mating process, with almost none on egg laying. A copulation clamp has been demonstrated only in two species (Pteroptyx maipo and P. valida), where the males have deflexed elytral apices (Jusoh et al. 2018). There, after the aedeagus is inserted and the pair turn to face away from each other, the female abdomen is ‘clamped’ between the deflexed elytral apices pressing from above against the broad flat dorsal surface of the median posterior projection of the male V7. The suggestion that such a clamp exists in certain Pygoluciola is rejected as the modifications seen there can be explained by other means (Ballantyne 1987a). The well sclerotised terminal abdominal segments of Sclerotia and Triangulara could be interpreted as providing extra muscle attachment for egg laying as Sclerotia females are known to lay eggs on weeds near water. Females of Triangulara have been observed near bodies of water but the nature of the larvae is unknown. However, there is no ecological data available for Pygatyphella females which also have the hardened terminal segments.
Pupal development. Little information about pupal development or structure exists. Ballantyne et al. (2011 figs 65-70, 77-84) described and illustrated the male pupa in detail but only briefly addressed the female pupa (figs 80-84) of Pteroptyx maipo. Fu (2014: 73 fig.2; 77 fig. 3) depicted, but did not describe, the female pupa of Aq. ficta, where a divided LO in V7 is producing light; and Aq. ficta, where the extent of any LO in V7 is difficult to determine.
Females with varying degrees of hind wing reduction or loss (flightless females).
Development of elytra and hind wings: For ease of description females are classified into four groups: i. Having full elytra (determined by a ridge around the apex and no more than two abdominal segments visible behind elytral tips) and shortened hind wings (A. flammans, A. lychnus, A. olivieri. A. palauensis). In all these females at least two abdominal segments protrude beyond the elytral apices in the pinned specimens examined and flight capacity is not reliably determined. Some ability to at least flit is expected. ii. Having full elytra determined as above, with no hind wings ( A. atra, A. testaceolineata). iii. Having shortened elytra which may attain a different shape to those of the male, and shortened hind wings, or no hind wings ( E. pseudosauteri, L. hypocrita, L. parvula and undescribed species Fu 2014:51). iv. Having very shortened elytra such that most of the fleshy abdomen is visible, and vestigial, or no hind wings ( A. conspicua, A. inconspicua, A. lewisi, A. scintillans, A. similis; L. filiformis).
Colour pattern: Most females of categories i ii and iii (e.g. A. olivieri, A. lychnus, A. testaceolineata, E. pseudosauteri, L. hypocrita, L. parvula) are coloured like the male; the exceptions are A. flammans where the dorsal colour pattern of the bred female is paler than that of male , and A. atra which is dorsally mid brown, contrasting with the dark brown elytra of the male. Species in category iv have enlarged pale coloured abdomens; pronotum is often coloured differently to that of male being paler with median darker markings, or entirely dark brown; the short elytra are mid to dark brown, and the anterior body colour pattern contrasts with the pale posterior body and may be disruptive.
Size and body shape: Females in i and ii generally have a body outline similar to that of the male with the exception of: A. atra which has slightly convex-sided elytra (these are parallel-sided in the male). In category iii E. pseudosauteri has elytra not medially contiguous in their apical 1/5 and expanding slightly along their lateral margins, with the last 2 – 3 abdominal segments visible behind (Fu et al. 2012a figs 3, 25); in L. parvula the elytra are slightly shorter than body length , more so in L. hypocrita (Deheyn & Ballantyne 2009 fig. 3), and the body outline is slightly convex sided; no females examined greatly exceeded the males in length (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009, 2013).
Pronotum: In categories i ii and iii when pronotal shape approaches that of male the pronotal width/humeral width is the same as for the male (A. atra, A. olivieri, A. flammans, A. lychnus, A. testaceolineata, E. pseudosauteri, L. hypocrita, L. parvula); in category iv species with considerable fore wing loss and possibly no hind wings (e.g. A. conspicua, A. inconspicua, A. lewisi), the pronotal outline usually differs markedly from that of the males, and may be subparallel-sided with rounded anterior margin (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2000 fig. 6; 2009 figs 132–136); only in L. filiformis does the pronotal outline approach that of the male; width across prothoracic cavity greatly exceeds head width; flattening of hypomeron follows that of male when pronota are of similar configuration.
Thoracic sclerites: MN and MS well defined with anterior margin of MS being as wide as the posterior margin across MN except in A. lewisi where it is shorter. Elytra : in category i where elytra are considered full sized the outline can follow that of the male (A. lychnus, A. olivieri, A. flammans), or differ in being convex-sided (A. atra); elytra are contiguous along their sutural margins, are without deflexed or emarginated apices, and have interstitial lines conforming to the male pattern, and a ridged margin around the elytral apex; category ii elytra are contiguous along their sutural margins and interstitial line pattern conforms to that of the male; category iii E. pseudosauteri has elytra not medially contiguous in their apical 1/5 and expanding slightly along their lateral margins, with the last 2 – 3 abdominal segments visible behind (Fu et al. 2012a figs 3, 25); in L. parvula the elytra are slightly shorter than body length, more so in L. hypocrita (Deheyn & Ballantyne 2009 fig. 3), category iv elytra can be contiguous in the mid line, with either two (A. conspicua) or four (A. scintillans) short interstitial lines, and raised margins; species with shortened elytra not contiguous in the mid line are A. similis with faintly raised interstitial lines and raised margins, A. inconspicua with no interstitial lines or raised margins, A. lewisi where the elytra are reduced to thin straps at the side, and L. filiformis. Head: the wingless female head described in Ballantyne & Lambkin (2000 fig.6), is seen in all categories except for A. olivieri, for which possible flight is suggested, and E. pseudosauteri (Fu et al. 2012 fig. 24), which is known not to fly; this wingless female head is much narrower, shorter and lower than head of male; as eyes are smaller than those of male the front of the head appears prolonged with the antennal sockets labrum and mouthparts on this prolongation; vertex flat or very little depressed; clypeolabral suture present, labrum soft and flexible; head can be completely retracted within the prothoracic cavity. This head type does not permit estimation of flighted or flightless capacity. Mouthparts: in categories i, ii, iv mandibles are not well developed and the female probably does not feed as an adult; size reduction of mandibles of Australian Atyphella species in categories i, ii and iv does not always parallel that of the male (Ballantyne & Lambkin 2000). It is not possible to postulate just how much reduction might result in the adult losing its ability to feed; shape and dentition of apical labial and maxillary palpomeres as for male. Antennae: 11 segmented in all categories except for A. scintillans and A. inconspicua where they are 7–8 segt.; with elongate scape, and FS1 and pedicel shorter than scape; categories i, ii, iv have antennal length subequal to GHW (paralleling that of the male), except for A. palauensis where it is > GHW; in A. flammans FS 1–3 are longer than wide while the remaining FS are about as wide as long; FS are considerable longer than wide in category iii; in category i the FS are not much longer than wide in except for A. atra where all the FS are as wide as long; in category iv the FS are about as wide as long or wider than long e.g. in A. inconspicua all FS are shortened and about as wide as long where antennal length may be slightly < GHW. Legs: simple, lacking obvious male sexual characters such as the MFC, swollen and curved femora/tibiae, excavations of the inner margin of basitarsus 2; having five tarsomeres in each leg.
Abdomen: difficult to examine in gravid flightless females which had been immersed in ethanol; with 7 visible ventrites (actual segments 2–8); entire LO beneath V6 except in E. pseudosauteri where it appears to be bipartite (Fu et al. 2012 fig. 24); V7 with posterior margin medianly emarginate and lateral margins tapering; V8 with strongly tapering margins, and narrow posterior margin which may be medianly emarginated. Structure of V8 not investigated. The female abdomen conforms to that of the male in all specimens, flighted or not, where the ventrites are dorsally reflexed and the spiracles are in these areas.
The abdomen is capable of expanding along the membranous line between ventrites and tergites, and the intersegmental lines between adjacent segments. In some females the outline of the elytra suggests additional directions of expansion: 1. Dorsal surface expands both up under the dorsally convex elytra and sideways as in A flammans. 2. Abdomen expands laterally as in L. parvula and this is reflected by the outline of the elytra which are broader across their apices. 3. In what is probably the most common pattern the abdomen expands posteriorly so that it projects beyond the elytral apices and there is no difference in the outline of the elytra..
Structure of the internal female genital tract: Not investigated on flightless females as abdomen fell to pieces when handled (females had been immersed in 70% ethanol for many years). Mating and egg laying: Chen et al (2020) addressed Emeia pseudosauteri, where males and females mate multiple times, mating positions were as observed in fully winged fireflies, either male above, or tail to tail (a derived position from the initial male above situation), and females lay eggs in bundles or lines on wet moss.
See Table 1. Morphological characters of flightless Luciolinae females (expanded from Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Table 6, 130, 132–136).
Table 1. Morphological characters of flightless Luciolinae females (expanded from Ballantyne & Lambkin 2009 Table 6, 130, 132–136).
A. 1 = colour pattern like that of male; 2 = colour pattern differs to that of male.
B. 1= elytra covering all but two segments of the abdomen; 2= elytra covering all but 4–5 segments of the abdomen; 3= elytra very short and almost all of the abdomen exposed.
C. 1= elytra with apical ridge; 2= elytra without apical ridge.
D. 1= elytra with visible interstitial lines; 2= elytra without visible interstitial lines.
E. 1= elytra contiguous for most of their length; 2= elytra divergent along sutural margins in apical ½ to 1/5; 3= elytra not contiguous
F. 1= hind wings longer than half fore wing length; 2 = hind wings shorter than half elytral length; 3= hind wings vestigial or absent.
G. 1 = female can flit; 2 = female cannot fly
H. 1=width of anterior margin of MS = posterior width across combined MN plates; 2 = width of anterior margin of MS less than width across combined MN plates.
I. 1= pronotal outline like that of male; 2=outline modified
J. 1= Eleven antennomeres; 2= less than 11 antennomeres
K. 1= all antennomeres longer than wide; 2 = at least some antennomeres where L=W; 3= at least some antennomeres where L<W.
L. 1= mandibles well defined; 2= mandible reduced;
M. 1= minor physogastry; 2= major physogastry.
N. 1 = apical maxillary palpomere well defined; 2 = apical maxillary palpomere reduced.
O. Estimated capacity to feed: 1 = yes; 2 = no.
General features of lucioline larvae
Larvae are most easily recognised by the production of light from paired light organs on their 8th abdominal segment, the elongate slender body form consisting of three thoracic and 9 abdominal segments, and especially the features of the head capsule.
The following definitions of mode of life for larval Luciolinae are used:
Aquatic: living under water and with obvious adaptations for aquatic life; either with lateral abdominal gills (Aquatica, Nipponoluciola) or metapneustic (Sclerotia), lacking gills.
Semi-aquatic: usually living in riparian environments and regularly entering the water in search of prey; lacking obvious adaptations to aquatic life, such as gills.
Terrestrial: lacking gills and any specialized respiratory and behavioural modifications for an aquatic life.
General larval morphology: With 3 thoracic and 9 obvious abdominal segments; a narrow ring of cuticle at the posterior end of segment 9 has been attributed to segment 10 but may only be visible from beneath. Elongate, tapering at the front and behind, somewhat flattened. Larval are of several types: terrestrial larvae have the ventral surface subdivided as described below and may have the dorsal plates expanded laterally; Abscondita and Pygoluciola have the dorsal surface heavily sclerotised; Sclerotialarvae have both dorsal and ventral surfaces heavily sclerotised, subdivisions of the ventral surface are difficult to recogniseand they respire by a pair of spiracles on their eighth abdominal segment; aquatic larvae of Aquaticaand Nipponoluciola have abdominal segments 1–8 with lateral tracheal gills which are forked and compound, with a non functional spiracle at the end of the shorter branch; subdivisions of the ventral surface are difficult to recognise as the body is so soft.
The ventral surface of the prothorax is little differentiated, with very narrow strips of cuticle dorsal and lateral to coxae 1 representing prothoracic episterna and epimera. In the remaining segments and where ventral sclerites are visible, a lateral pleural suture delimits laterotergites above in the thorax and abdomen. In the thorax the median ventral surface of both meso and metathorax is subdivided into two areas by a sternocostal suture running anterior to the coxae, an anterior basisternum with laterotergites at the sides in the mesothorax; (in terrestrial larvae these mesothoracic laterotergites bear functional biforous spiracles); a posterior median subrectangular sternellum bears the legs and is margined laterally by laterotergites; the episterna and epimera of both the meso and metathorax are visible above the coxae of the meso and metathoracic legs as thin dark sclerotised plates. This subdivision does not extend to the dorsal surface. In the ventral surface of abdominal segments 1–8 a median subrectangular area is attributed to the sternum; this is margined laterally by elongate narrow paired laterosternites, which are delimited by folds from the median sternal plate below, and the laterotergites above; laterotergites of segments 1–8 either bear spiracles or branched gills. Eversible branched defensive organs arise at the sides of the meso and metathorax, and abdominal segments 1– 8, in the membrane at the sides of the terga of those segments and above the laterotergites of the abdomen in aquatic species.
The head is subparallel sided, dorsoventrally flattened, prognathous, well sclerotised, with an ocellus at each side; not visible when retracted into the prothoracic cavity; extensible neck membrane forming two layered envelope around retracted head; capable of considerable extension beyond the anterior protergal margin; head capsule divisible into median dorsal frontoclypeus, bounded laterally by the U shaped frontal arms of the ecdysial line (=epicranial suture); lateral parietal plates at the sides of the frontoclypeus are separated behind by the epicranial stem and are reflexed ventrally but not meeting; maxillae and labium fused forming a maxillolabial complex covering most of ventral head area.
Antennae are slender, cylindrical, 3 segmented, with elongated scape and pedicel, and apical very short (3rd) segment (equivalent to the flagellum in the adult), with an apical sensilla, subequal in length to adjacent sense cone; an elongate "articulating membrane" forms a two layered envelope around the retracted antenna in the same way as the head itself is enveloped by a membrane.
Mouthparts are well developed and similar in form to those of the adults; mandibles falcate, strongly sclerotized; densely covered in fine hair along outer margins; densely pubescent along basal half of inner margins; perforated along the length by a fine canal that opens on the outer margin just behind the apex; some species have one or two basal inner mandibular teeth. Maxillae with short, squat, four segmented palp bearing sense organs on segment 4; basal segment (which may be interpreted as the palpifer) large and well defined, segments 2 and 3 very short and diminishing in width towards apex, apical segment longer and narrower than palpomere 3; palp may obscure galea, which is two segmented, bearing long and short setae at apex, and on its inner margin an elongate, flattened, dense profusion of anteromedially directed hairs (lacinia); cardo well defined, articulating with broad elongate stipes; fused along its outer edges with the reflexed head margins, and along its inner margins with the median labium. Labium with two segmented labial palpi, bearing sense organs on segment 2, and arising at anterolateral corners of small prementum which lacks a ligula.
Legs are four segmented - short cylindrical coxae with bases widely separated; elongate trochanters joining femora obliquely; tibiotarsus terminated by a single claw. In contrast with previous treatments the leg segments are attributed to coxa, trochanter, femur and tibiotarsus.
If defensive organs are present they occur in aquatic larvae as 10 pairs of similar pale white, forked eversible organs located laterally on the meso- and metathorax, and above the tracheal gills on each of the 8 abdominal segments; these organs arise in the thorax in folds of membrane on the upper side of the laterotergites and just below the lateral margins of the tergal plates, and in the abdomen above the abdominal laterotergites and below the lateral margins of the tergal plates.
Pygopodia arise in all larvae from the end of the abdomen (either the visible 9th (or the largely invisible 10thsegment) and aid in progression; they are tubular and eversible holdfast organs bearing recurved hooks along their length.
Key to genera and species of lucioline larvae (Figure references are to Fu et al. 2012 Zootaxa 3405)
1. Aquatic (metapneustic or with gills along the sides of the abdomen) (Figs 73–86) ………..…………………....……………2
Terrestrial/semiaquatic (lacking gills) (Figs 87-90) …….........................................................................………………………..9
2. Metapneustic in later instars; hard-bodied with no obvious membranous areas; back swimmers just below water surface
………….........................................................…Sclerotia substriata (Gorham) /Scl. aquatilis (Thancharoen) (Figs 83, 84)
With gills arising from the sides of abdominal segments 1–8 (Figs 73-86)..............................................................................3
3. Protergum lacking marginal pale markings ……....Aq. hydrophila (Jeng et al.)
Protergum always with some pale lateral margins ……………………………..4
4. Protergum with 2 pale markings only (at anterolateral corners) (Fig. 77) ………Aq. leii (Fu et Ballantyne)
Protergum with more than 2 pale markings around margins …………………….5
5. Protergum sub-parallel sided ; with four separate pale marks at anterolateral corners and along lateral margin anterior to the posterolateral corners (Fig. 75) ………………..……………………..…………………………Aq. lateralis (Motsch.)
Protergum with lateral margins not sub-parallel sided; pale markings not as above ............6
6. Median dark marking on protergum prolonged narrowly anteriorly and posteriorly to meet anterior and posterior margins (Fig. 81) …Nipponoluciola cruciata (Motsch. )
Median dark marking on protergum not prolonged narrowly anteriorly, median dark area may assume the shape of a cross with wide anterior and lateral arms, thus protergum having four discrete pale markings at anterolateral and posterolateral corners ……………………..……..7
7. Protergum mainly dark marked, with four discrete pale areas at anterolateral and posterolateral corners; no pale markings on remaining terga; median line narrow (Fig. 73) ………………………………………………………………………… .Aq. ficta (Olivier)
Protergum either marked as above or with pale areas extending obliquely across posterolateral corners to almost meet in median line; always with pale markings on remaining terga; median line narrow or wide ………………………………..8
8. Protergum mainly dark, with four discrete pale areas at anterolateral and posterolateral corners; terga of body segments 2–11 very small and separated by wide median line; small pale markings at posterolateral corners of terga of body segments 2–11; terga of body segments 10, 11 lacking pale lateral margins (Ohba et al. 1994: 17, Fig.1) …………………………………………………….Nipponoluciola. owadai (Sâto et Kimura)
Protergum mainly dark with extensive pale markings obliquely across posterolateral corners; terga of body segments 2–11 large, not widely separated by narrow median line; extensive pale markings across most of posterior margins of body segments 2–8 or 9; lateral margins of terga of body segments 10, 11 pale (Fig. 79)…….Aq. wuhana (Fu etBallantyne)
9. Semiaquatic – living near shallow bodies of water and able to enter them and submerge for long periods; lacking gills; dorsal body plates very heavily sclerotised and lacking membranous areas; mandibles with 2 inner teeth (Fu & Ballantyne 2008; Figs 2–4, 23–25) ….………………………….……………………………Pygoluciola qingyu Fu et Ballantyne
Dorsal body plates are usually dark coloured, and may not be well sclerotised; mandibles with single tooth, or not toothed; probably terrestrial….………………………10
10. Mode of life not determined, probably terrestrial; lacking gills; dorsal body plates very heavily sclerotised and lacking membranous areas; mandibles with a single tooth ……………………………Abscondita cerata, praeusta, terminalis, Pyg. cowleyi
Terrestrial; lacking gills; dorsal body plates not usually very heavily sclerotised; mandibles not toothed……………………………………...…………………..11
11. Tergal margins not laterally explanate; laterotergites often visible at sides of body when specimen viewed from above.(e.g. Figs 89, 90) ...................12
Tergal margins laterally explanate, usually along lateral margins, sometimes only at posterolateral corners (e.g. Figs 87, 88)…………………………………….13
12. Dorsal body plates usually dark coloured and reaching to sides of terga ………..........................................Pteroptyx and Colophotia spp. (e.g. Fig. 89)
Dorsal body entirely pale, tergal plates pale coloured and not reaching to sides of terga …………………………...………………………………Curtos spp.
13. Thoracic and/or abdominal terga prolonged at posterolateral corners ………..14
All tergal lateral margins widely explanate, not prolonged, except for terminal tergum...........................Magnalata sp., Atyphella spp., Luciola parvula, L. filiformis, L. kagiana, Lloydiella sp., Asymmetricata circumdata (Figs 87, 88)
14. Lateral margins of thoracic terga very broad, not prolonged except for very shortpointed posterolateral corners on terga 2, 3; lateral margins of abdominal terga 1–8 narrowly prolonged (Fu et al. 2012 Figs 5, 6) ……………………………………………………….…….Emeia pseudosauteri
Lateral margins of both thoracic and abdominal terga narrowly prolonged (Fu et al. 2012 Figs 50, 51) …………………………………….Luciola hypocrita
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